DirectX 12 detailed: Backwards compatible with all recent Nvidia GPUs, will deliver Mantle-like capa


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At GDC 2014, Microsoft and Nvidia have taken the lid off DirectX 12 — the new API that promises to deliver low-level, Mantle-like latencies with vastly improved performance and superior hardware utilization compared to DX11. Even better, DirectX 12 (and D3D 12) are backwards compatible with virtually every single GPU from the GTX 400 to the present day.
Microsoft has published a blog post and accompanying API samples that illustrate how much more powerful the software is, even in this early alpha stage. Microsoft’s blog post is unusually open about flaws in the current API, admitting that DX11 is poorly multithreaded and that certain assumptions the standard makes about its underlying hardware are particularly inefficient.
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I'm surprised that video cards as far back as the Nvidia GTX 400 will support DirectX 12. This is good news for PC Gamers with a Nvidia GTX 550 which still is a pretty good card, and DirectX 12 will make older cards better because of the improve performance and better hardware utilization in DX12 compared to DX11.
I wonder if Directx12 release would create a sudden rise in $299-399 Gaming PCs with a Nvidia GTX 550 which can be bought on eBay for $50 dollars.