Discord bot that serves no purpose? FAN CLUB!


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I recently made a very simple Discord bot, mimicking a popular joke in Japan.
Despite its source code being only a few lines long (literally!), somebody decided to make a little fan server all about it.

To put it simply, all Waito does is reply with "Waito thinks so too" at random, or you can force it to say so by saying ここ好き (roughly translated: "I like this").

Waito was originally introduced to the public as a Yu-Gi-Oh! card, and became a bot that said ワイトもそう思います (Waito thinks so too) at random on Twitter, and even later it got popularised even further by the Kemono Friends community.
This resulted in drawings like these:



Discord bots were always cool and you did a great work on it. Drawings or artworks are cool can you translate them too? :)
I already gave the translation for ワイトもそう思います, which means "Waito thinks so too".
That one can be seen on drawing 1, 2, and 4.

ここすき (drawings 1 and 2) means "I like this".
も・・・亡者はそう思いませんっ (drawing 2) means "Th...The Dead does not think sooo".
わからん (drawing 3) means "I don't know".
ドーン (drawing 3) is a sound effect representing a drumming sound.

Everything else on drawing 4 is the same as ワイトもそう思います, but with ワイト (Waito) being replaced by other names.
From right to left: Ghoul, Zombie, Gust, Revenant.
Hahaha, that is pretty cool. I guess the timing for the bot and the popularity of the joke really connected.
It must be pretty flattering to have people become so fond of your bot like to make a server dedicated to it. Hahaha.
Not something many people can brag about, regardless of how simple the code in itself could be. Congratulations! :D
Congrats on having your very own Fan Club! That's pretty cool indeed.
The bot actually isn't my own idea.
It used to be a bot exclusive to a single Kemono Friends server at first, then the server got suddenly deleted, and the maker of the bot didn't want to share it with anyone else.
That's when I started to create my own version.

Complete with source code: テクニカル諏訪子 / waightthinksso-discord · GitLab

And I made one for Mastodon too: ワイト (@waitothinksso) - mstdn.jp
Source for this one: テクニカル諏訪子 / waightthinksso-mstdn · GitLab
The bot actually isn't my own idea.
It used to be a bot exclusive to a single Kemono Friends server at first, then the server got suddenly deleted, and the maker of the bot didn't want to share it with anyone else.
That's when I started to create my own version.

Complete with source code: テクニカル諏訪子 / waightthinksso-discord · GitLab

And I made one for Mastodon too: ワイト (@waitothinksso) - mstdn.jp
Source for this one: テクニカル諏訪子 / waightthinksso-mstdn · GitLab
This great info help us a lot thanks.