Disney aired E3 Uncensored For Kids


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Mostly uncensored. While we were watching out streams, this youtuber was checking it out on his tv station.
Really I think this type of entertainment should not be uncensored, has to be a body of law that will stop this madness, since very soon all kinds of cartoons that might harm a child mind will not have any type of filter that stop you.
I didn't watch their channel at the time, but I heard they cut away the explicit moments. This is actually what happens when you telecast an event for adults on a children's channel.
Really I think this type of entertainment should not be uncensored, has to be a body of law that will stop this madness, since very soon all kinds of cartoons that might harm a child mind will not have any type of filter that stop you.
Well yes, in general I agree.. but when the conference shows brutal deaths, etc. to really young kids, I think that is overstepping the mark.
The should be a filter on what is showed to kids .parents don't need to get angry before the right thing is done. Definitely E3 isn't for Disney.