Do any one know what happened to

Gamerz Reef

Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
I went there just now and it has some student collage thing and the forum is gone.
If I'm not mistaken it's being hosted on a university storage. Some universities offer web hosting for their students for pretty cheap.. my guess is that the servers are down and it's redirecting to the default domain. I was on there this morning doing my moderator duties, so it's only been like this for a few hours as far as I know.
I'm not going to get into this, The server went down and the team spend hours trying to get it up again. End of the day it was the server that got messed up.

I thought FP would be on an better hosting company
Wait, it was hosted on university webspace? Huh, didn't expect that from Forum Promotion.

But yeah, I wondered the same thing yesterday. Posted about the situation on The Admin Zone with a nice picture showing where the site redirects.
Their servers are down again, it looks like they are suffering from a DDoS attack from what the cloud servers were saying. (they recently used a cloud redirect service to prevent DDoS attacks).

Huh, its up for me but clearly they irked someone or on a server that irked someone.
Weird. Well they are still down for me lol. I honestly don't think I'm going to use them much anymore though. I don't really gain anything from it anymore and plus being a staff member there I feel like the work and rules are so overly heavy that it's just not worth the work for gain ratio.. it's rather exhausting.
It has been attacked by Denial, that's what Matt says. As I type now it's gone offline and I'm sick to the grip :mad: But is it Denial? who knows, Problem that there are allot of lies and things happening in the background, I was was trying to get my point out and that they called me an bug! and glad that Cyber Freak is backing me up. John and MeowsePad (who I still contact) are putting together an Petitioning on MasterA and I'm looking for people to support us to bring back FP. Please visit