Do big companies hire hackers?


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Sometimes in the past, I was having this discussion with a friend who said that it is possible that some of these big companies hire hackers that help them to cause some losses and also to protect them. Do you believe this is possible?
Sometimes in the past, I was having this discussion with a friend who said that it is possible that some of these big companies hire hackers that help them to cause some losses and also to protect them. Do you believe this is possible?
There are plans I heard of big companies like Nintendo hiring hackers as a plan. However, if they do not want to be allies then legal action is the other. And this isn't just Nintendo.
There are plans I heard of big companies like Nintendo hiring hackers as a plan. However, if they do not want to be allies then legal action is the other. And this isn't just Nintendo.

This maybe common in the gaming industry. These guys paying top hackers to cause havoc in the system.
I think big companies in North America and most Democratic countries like Australia are unlikely to officially hire hackers to illegally hack their competitors computers and servers, and hack customers computer on purpose without their knowledge.

Hacking can cause the boss and hacker to go to jail, or pay a large settlement to the victims of their hacking.

Some companies hire hackers to see if they can hack their website, and computers, and ask hackers to fix security problems.
I think big companies in North America and most Democratic countries like Australia are unlikely to officially hire hackers to illegally hack their competitors computers and servers, and hack customers computer on purpose without their knowledge.

Hacking can cause the boss and hacker to go to jail, or pay a large settlement to the victims of their hacking.

Some companies hire hackers to see if they can hack their website, and computers, and ask hackers to fix security problems.

The last line could be the reason some of these companies hire professional hackers. They want to see whether these guys can hack their websites as a form of testing how strong their site is.