Do energy drinks really work?


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Energy drinks, red bull, monster, 24 hour energy. You can't go anywhere today without seeing them or hearing a commercial for them. But do you really think they work? Do they work for you if you drank any?

For me I've never had one and never will, I don't know if they work or not I do feel they will give the person health problems sooner or later.
I tried a free sample of Redbull at a Redbull Booth. It gave me some energy, and made me more awake. But, I rather drink Soda when it is hot out.

Energy Drinks are good for passing time like drinking soda when at a restaurant to make eating at a restaurant more fun because the bubbles in Sodas and Energy Drinks can be fun to drink and refreshing.
To be honest, I don't think so.
Well, I never noticed any difference to be honest. So, may be it's just me...I don't think they wok all that well.
I suppose we should avoid them if possible then.

They are like energy boosters which can be very well 'fake'.