Maybe I'm just a bit old now, but I remember when fan works used to look... a bit more rough around the edges so to speak. Cut off tiles, weirdly set out backgrounds and objects, out of place music, simple attack patterns. Kind of like this:
Now on the other hand... works seem to look a whole lot more professional than they used to. Paper Mario 3d Land may well compete with Thousand Year Door or Sticker Star on production values alone, and it definitely outdoes the latter in gameplay:
And Mario 64 HD... wow:
So yeah, anyone else impressed how far fan games and game mods have come in the last few years or so?
Now on the other hand... works seem to look a whole lot more professional than they used to. Paper Mario 3d Land may well compete with Thousand Year Door or Sticker Star on production values alone, and it definitely outdoes the latter in gameplay:
And Mario 64 HD... wow:
So yeah, anyone else impressed how far fan games and game mods have come in the last few years or so?