Do Games stir emotions within


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For some reason games don't often draw emotions but there is a rare one.

Year ago during the uncharted series there was a part where Drake was hiding info from his wife and she discovered him and started yelling at him hard in a hotel about all of the things he was keeping from her. On top of that she also was endlessly giving him guilt trips throughout the adventure. In the beginning I felt the strain of their marriage and took her side but eventually I realized she was just being an annoying idiot. I felt a bit emotional about the story.


Recently I got hit hard. I was playing "Detroit becoming human" and I became extremely moved from the storyline. This guy was being extremely cruel to a little girl robot and I felt sick to my stomach a bit. I felt some extreme anger and motivation to use my character to disable this disgusting father figure. It's possible I could have teared up for a second. There is something about the entirety of this game that draws extreme emotion and a sadness for vulnerable people.
I don't think I'm losing my cool but I'm beginning to remember why I placed this game in the backlog for years.

Do you find any games bring out emotions in yourself?