Do it Yourself - Windows Gaming Tablet PC


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Wow, the Asian guy in this  video is great at building custom built Gaming PC tablets. This tablet is very fast at playing Battlefield 4 in this video.

I bet, if he setup a factory to build custom Windows gaming tablets, he would have a lot of buyers for his Gaming tablets with fast specs.
I gotta hand it to him. He's really good at this. I think he would need a license to mass-produce and market these tablets. Sure, he has the skills to build them, but does he have the financial power to launch a factory? :unsure:
He's very handy, thats for sure.
alakazam said:
I gotta hand it to him. He's really good at this. I think he would need a license to mass-produce and market these tablets. Sure, he has the skills to build them, but does he have the financial power to launch a factory? :unsure:
By looking at the Newspapers with Asian Characters he used to protect his desk from scratches, it looks like he is from China, or some other Asian country. I think China and other Asian countries don't have very strict licensing laws since there are so many small factories which build tablets, TVs, radios, and many other house hold items. 

He can probably use crowdfunding like Ouya which raised  many millions of dollars for a less powerful Google Android console. The backers did not got an Ouya when they crowdfunded $100 or more to Ouya's Kickstarter. 

But, this guy would need a very good Kickstarter or Indiegogo video since people are less trusting of crowdfunding because a lot of the things like Ouya and Oculus Rift that got funded from Crowdfunding where disappointing when released. A lot of people also felt scammed when Oculus Rift VR headset got sold to Facebook for Billions of dollars, and the backers got nothing except an Oculus Rift VR headset when they crowdfunded a few hundred dollars.