Do people spend too much time looking at moving things?


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It is possible that some people spend too much of their time looking at sports with a lot of movements like car racing, football, running, animal racing like dog racing, and looking at moving things like remote control RC cars, toy train sets, yo-yos, and fidget spinners where people can spend many hours looking at a toy which move a lot.

There are some people who spend many hours watching moving video from a video game, movie, and TV shows like wrestling, dancing, and stunts.

The large amount of time spent on watching moving things maybe better used doing tasks like making money online, finding a job if you don't have a job, learning how to write better, and learning more about subjects like science, computer science, math, English, etc which may improve your life if you learn more about computer science and business where you create many useful computer programs which you sell for hundreds of dollars to many thousands of people.
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Well I think it comes down to if you are there at the event or not. If you are at the event then you would be walking around 1/2 the time looking at different things.

If you are watching it on TV then it a different story.
Well, I don't why people like looking at the moving traffic....but I have observed many people looking at it for hours! As for me, I don't really like it. If it's a good ride in some amusement park....then that's a different story xD
Well watching something that doesn't move is like watching paint dry.