Do you bring your handheld consoles, PC games, and laptop to school for gaming?


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Generally, I don't bring my games to school except for my cell phone with built in games. But, I did bring my GBA, to school in the past. I just don't want my stuff being stolen or consfiscated.
I bring my i-phone but everyone else brings there

In 4th grade my friends (Kali and Chad) brought in
our DS's so we could play nintendogs together in the
cubbies during indoor recess. Lol we almost got busted
so many times. 4th grade, good times, good times.

But yeah, I gave my gaming systems to my sis and
really only use my laptop but since my computer
provides over 200 computers I don't see a need
to bring mine.
I have never done that.

I did have some games in my laptop but I never dared to play them in school.

It's immediate suspension back in the days.
I didn't have a cell phone or any handheld consoles back then. However, I would be afraid that a teacher would have confiscated it (even if I wasn't playing with it during class). I would also be afraid I'd get into trouble for bringing it to school in the first place, even if I didn't play it during class.
I only get my phone with me. I would never take a laptop there. It would feel like I'm on the battlefield to protect it.
When I head to school or work, I just leave my phone in the car. Then I get back to the messages during lunch or when the day is over