No, but if there is an App I want, I might buy it for my phone or tablet. I bought a few cell phone games like Megaman, Contra, Tetris, and a racing game for my cell phone, and they were pretty fun.
I haven't yet bought anything physical like a book, DVD, or CD from my cell phone yet, but If I saw something cool on Amazon, eBay, etc when I'm using my tablet or cell phone. I might buy it right away, so it won't be outbid or sold out.
There are barcodes called QR codes which you scan with your phone's camera and it will take you to an online store, and you can buy stuff, and they will charge your phone bill or paypal.
In my city, you can text a parking meter with a cellphone to pay for parking, so you don't have to run down to the parking meter to add more coins, and won't risk geting a ticket or towed because your parking meter expired because you didn't reach the parking meter before the cops ticketed or towed your car for an expired meter.
I think someday a lot of people would not need credit cards, and debit cards because everything we buy will be charged to our cell phone bill which we can pay at the bank or online banking at the end of the month.
Plus, with a cell phone, you can set a password to protect it from people who try to use it like a PC.It is easy to deactivate your cell phone, and wipe all its data remotely by phoning up your cell phone service provider to ask them to deactivate your phone, and wipe its data from their office if they have programs to deactivate and wipe the data off your phone.