Do you care about awards on Video Games?


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Sometimes when you pick up a video game box, on it the box will have some tiny images saying like 'Best of E3' or 'Gamespot top choice' and other things.

Do you care about stuff like that?
Sometimes, I go for a game that I'm interested with that suits my lucking then what ever images.

Most games I play and buy don't have awards anyway.
I used to get all achievements on WWE after I finished the ,,story''.But trophies don't matter that much to me to keep griding them
That kind of stuff doesn't matter to me at all really. Awards are really subjective at the end of the day. I tend to try to find a reviewer who's tastes align with my own. If that person likes a game, chances are, I will like it as well. It's awesome if a game I like receives and award, but it has no affect on how I feel about it.
wrong topic, I'm talking about reviewer awards.
Oh I see,sorry I misunderstood.I don't really care about the awards like game of the year for example.I just watch a gameplay or play the game myself and decide on that.A bad score on a game doesn't stop me if I enjoy the game
If it's GotY looks like it was legitimately on some game of the year lists then it sways me a little, if it's a GotY edition with all dlc it'll sway me a lot. I usually have an idea of what I want going in to make a purchase, but I remember at least once being convinced to buy a game, Batman Arkham Asylum after seeing the GotY award strewn on the case.
Not really... I don't always check my achievements, only at the end of the game. It's just not interesting to me, I like playing video games because they're fun not because I need to reach some goal or beat someone else in it. That's why I play in singleplayer...
Not really... I don't always check my achievements, only at the end of the game. It's just not interesting to me, I like playing video games because they're fun not because I need to reach some goal or beat someone else in it. That's why I play in singleplayer...

We're talking about user given reviews/awards that are located on the boxart of the video game. Not in game achievements and such.
Not even a little bit. I take it all with a grain of salt honestly, just like I do with movie reviews. I mean, Siskall and Ebert were famous gnuys and reviewed a lot of movies, but if I had listened to them and skipped all the movies that they said were horrible I would have missed out on a lot of movies I really enjoyed. Conversely awards and good reviews don't really guarantee that I'm going to like something. There have been a lot of games that I've tried because they got five stars or whatever and they just weren't my cup of tea.
If a game only has one or two awards, no big deal. But if it has won numerous accolades (I'm talking like 5+), then it gets my attention because it's getting universal acclaim. Many such gems have been a joy to play, e.g. Brothers Tale of Two Sons, Bastion.
Awards don't really matter to me. Reviews by other gamers effect my decision to purchase a game way more. Usually I read up on a game that I'm thinking of buying to see what people are saying about it and if I see it has a ton of great reviews, I'm all for it.
Not much really, I feel they're giving them out for any game that made a sudden big deal out of the media. At least, last year the RPG award was given to Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red deserved it for that sweet game with lots of redeeming qualities (good writing, choices and consequences) that easily offsets the awkward gameplay combat.
Awards don't really matter to me. Reviews by other gamers effect my decision to purchase a game way more. Usually I read up on a game that I'm thinking of buying to see what people are saying about it and if I see it has a ton of great reviews, I'm all for it.

I think there's a lot of troll reviews out there though, especially on Steam. It's important to sift out genuine reviews from reviews like, "hurr durr this is bad because I can't run it, and I didn't read the system requirements"
Well... I think that it's still helpful to know that you're playing a famous or successful video game, because somehow you can already expect that is going to be a good one in certain standers, but personally, not really. But still, before I bought a video game (and this actually applies in other things that I buy) I always look for reviews about them, when it comes to me, they are more helpful and "realistic" than awards on them.
I don't care about awards in gaming, same as I don't care at all about awards in movies. I think both are very subjective and it's fundamentally wrong to pick a great game over another great game.

That being said, I wouldn't choose to prevent them from happening, because again, just like with Movies awards should be used as a tool for the "critics" or "experts" to tell us: "Hey, you should play this game, it's great". I like then more as recommendations but not so much as "proof" that X game is better than Y game. Sadly I don't think the VGA do this well, as most of the winners are triple A games that are selling like crazy anyway.
I care about them, but not enough to solely judge the game because of them. Say for example, if a game has awards stating "Best MMORPG of 2016!" I would be like "Hm, I guess I'll look it up." Then I will watch the trailer, read some reviews, look at gameplay, and if it looks good I'll end up likely getting it. However, even if a game says "Best MMORPG EVER, Best game EVER, 10/10 by everyone, winner of every award!" I still won't care enough to buy it before looking into it a lot.
Not at all. There was a time I used to believe that GOTY awards were actually given out by similar fashion as in Oscars or BAFTA. Silly me :)

Those little stickers devs acquire in E3 even before the game is actually released means nothing. Gamespot's GOTY label means nothing. But if Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw earnestly said that such and such game is his game of the year (like that is ever going to happen) then I'd actually believe it.