Do you care about console video and music features?


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I care about video playback somewhat on my consoles, but I watch and listen to most of media on my PC or regular DVD player, so I don't really care about video and media playback on my consoles.
Not at all. I never use to watch DVD's on my PS2 (back in the day) because the different speeds the games and movies had to spin at could damage the PS2 (way back when they first came out).

I don't buy video game consoles because they can play music or movies or whatever additional crap the companies decide to add on. I buy them to play games, and only to play games.
QUOTE (Seaofclouds @ December 28, 2009 07:27 pm) Not at all. I never use to watch DVD's on my PS2 (back in the day) because the different speeds the games and movies had to spin at could damage the PS2 (way back when they first came out).

I don't buy video game consoles because they can play music or movies or whatever additional crap the companies decide to add on. I buy them to play games, and only to play games.
well if you were to get or have a PS3 you would use it to play blue rays wouldn't you sea?
I notice newer consoles let you add your own music via a USB thumb drive, and make a custom sound track while playing your game which I think is a good idea.