Do you care about vampire power that your electronics use when off?


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Vampire power is the power needed to keep your VCR clock from running, or power to make sure your remote control sensor on your TV is on, or the tiny amount of power needed to keep the small light at the front of your game console lit.

I generally just turn off my power bar, or unplug my electronics, chargers,etc if I'm not going to use them to save a bit of electricity and not worry about lightning zaping my electronics when I'm out.
Depends on the item. My kitchen appliances that don't get used very often aren't plugged in, my tv that is used daily stays plugged in though. If we were going on vacation, I unplug everything and adjust the thermostat (no need to really heat or cool an empty house). My cell phone charger is hit or miss, sometimes I unplug it after I charge my phone, but sometimes I don't.
Guess you meant that stuff like stereos, VCRs, and DVD players are running, on standby with the date and time displayed even when turned off by either remote or by the power button on those electronics.

If I plan to move or on vacation, or during a thunderstorm I would unplug them, other than that I always leave them plugged in.