Do you care about your bandwidth usage when you use your smartphone or tablet on your home Wi-Fi or


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No, I don't really care about my bandwidth usage when I am on Wi-Fi because my Wireless router is connected to my cable modem which gets its internet from the Cable company. I also have a 125GB bandwidth limit which I never went over because my internet is only 15 mbps or less a lot of the time, so I don't download or stream big files because of my slower internet speeds compared to Google Fiber which is 1 Gbps or faster.

When I am using free Wi-Fi at a store, restaurant, school, or the library, I feel I should get unlimited wi-fi access when I use their Wi-Fi because I am a customer at a store or restaurant, and I pay sales tax when I buy stuff, and the taxes I pay for the school's and library's free Wi-Fi which it provides to students, guests, and the public.
yep, because I only have 500mb. So I try to use it little to none.
I think you are confusing Wireless Cellular Data internet from a cell phone service provider limited bandwidth plan, and a wireless router's Wi-Fi 802.11 AC,N,G,B,A Wireless network which usually gets its internet from your Cable, DSL, or Fiber internet service provider which usually have unlimited bandwidth, or gives you hundreds of GBs of bandwidth, or unlimited bandwidth with some plans.

This post is about bandwidth from Wi-Fi from a wireless router connected to a cable base internet like Cable, DSL, and Fiber.
I don't have unlimited, but my internet is 15 mbps, so it is rare for me to go over my 120GB limit since it takes me so long to download files which are GBs in size, so a lot of the time I rather just buy Music CDs, DVD movies, and Physical Disc games from a store or website when possible since Canada's internet is so slow unless you pay $100 or more a month.
I have a decent connection (75Mbps down, 30Mbps up) and unlimited bandwidth. So I'm really not concerned at all. I have no idea how much I use... but I'm sure that it's a fair bit. I mean I downloaded probably 7 or 8 GB today on my computer (6.4 of that was a patch for Marvel Heroes... but then general browsing, youtube videos.) Not to mention what others in the house have used...

Though I tend not to use a lot on my phone simply because I prefer to download stuff to my laptop first then decide whether or not to put it on my phone. And for general browsing my laptop is a better option anyway. (A 17.3" screen versus a 5.7" screen...) Though sometimes I'll pull out the phone to use to watch videos on (via youtube or showbox) when there's nothing on TV.