Do you change your favorite characters often?


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My favorite characters are Itachi, balsa.

I don't think I got any other favorites. I do like okumura rin, tanya from youjo senki, Sawamura from diamond no ace.

My real favorite characters don't change but other normal series characters do change. What about you guys?
I pretty much have a generalized pool of people I like, no one above the other really.
Since I'm not as into anime as I used to be, I forget about all the characters that I liked. However, as a kid my favorite anime character was Goku. Though, even when I was watching tons of different animes, I didn't have a whole lot of favorites, I just had a lot of characters I liked. I mean, I guess I would say Kuro from Kurokami was one of my favorites, but even still, I can't remember the anime well enough since I haven't seen it since 2010 or longer.