Do you close programs, browser tabs, files when you are not using them?


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Yes, I close programs on my PC if I would not use them in the next half hour unless it is a very long document or video I have to read/seeing then I leave the file open till I finish reading it.

I have a limited amount of RAM and CPU resources, so I find my PC faster when only one program plus, my antivirus and firewall are running at the same time.
I close my browser if I am not going to be on it for a little bit. you never know what might happen if your away for too long and you leave your browser open.
I don't normally, I normally close PS6 Elements
when I'm not using it but I normally have around
10-65 windows of Safari up along with around
2-10 GIMP projects running plus i-tunes and sometimes
On occasions, which can help save RAM and CPU usage. Sometimes I have the computer running on standby mode when I'm away for a long period of time.