Do you connect your smartphone or tablet to your TV to game on?


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Sadly, no I don't connect a tablet or a smartphone to a TV to game on. I don't own a HDTV with HDMI ports, and my Google Nexus 7 tablet does not support wireless video streaming, or have a HDMI port on it to connect to a TV.

But, when I get a TV which has a HDMI port, and a tablet, or phone with a HDMI port, I plan on connecting my mobile to a TV to game on with a controller, or use the touch screen or built-in keyboard on a phone as the controller.

Example of gamer using Micro-Hdmi cable from a Android Smartphone to a HDTV for playing Gameloft's Asphalt 7.

Apple's wireless airplay mirroring for Apple TV for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch look pretty fun as well based on YouTube videos I watched.