Do you consider E-books and Apps, Widgets, and add-ons which provide info for cellphones and compute


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I believe E-books, cell phone apps, and Desktop gadgets/widgets are already competing for traffic with websites since they are all very convenient, and have an offline and online mode in some cases for viewing articles, and videos in some cases. Plus, with E-books, apps, and desktop widgets there are not as many incompatible issues like some websites which work bad on Firefox, Internet Explorer or Chrome.

E-books, cell phone apps, Desktop Widgets which all provide information to take some traffic away from websites since they all provide information like websites. However, with E-books they provide information which you can take with you anywhere since it does not need the internet to view the info.

With Cell phone apps, and desktop widgets, you can easily get short summaries of the weather, sports scores, news, and other events without even visiting a website on a web browser.

With more advance Apps like the Facebook App for cell phones, you can even interact with Facebook users, post stuff, etc like on a website.

This makes me wonder will the future of the internet involve users just launching apps to interact with their favorite online communities like Facebook, Twitter, and possibly forums, and blogs.
This makes me wonder if I should start learning how to make Apps, so people just launch an App from their cell phone or computer to post on my forum instead of typing in my link in the address bar of my forum.