lb 愛してるザラ Full GL Member Credits 150 May 19, 2015 #1 How are your vulgarity levels when you play video games? Do you swear more, less or the same amount as normal? :ermm:
How are your vulgarity levels when you play video games? Do you swear more, less or the same amount as normal? :ermm:
Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 50,593 May 19, 2015 #2 oh yes, I do. Another reason I don't do headphones. Depends on the game I'm playing though, if I'm playing a action/fighting game my levels will be high.
oh yes, I do. Another reason I don't do headphones. Depends on the game I'm playing though, if I'm playing a action/fighting game my levels will be high.
IntoxNitram GamingLatest Slave Staff member Moderator Full GL Member Credits 8,868 May 19, 2015 #3 I swear a lot more, elements in the game where I feel cheated annoy the hell out of me so I get quite aggressive.
I swear a lot more, elements in the game where I feel cheated annoy the hell out of me so I get quite aggressive.
Allan Well-Known Member Full GL Member Credits 1,000 May 19, 2015 #4 All the friggin time , honestly I do when gaming alot.