Do you dislike auto-loading articles on some blogs which automatically load the next article?


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I think it is kind of annoying that some blogs automatically load the next article after I scroll to the end of the page.

I am usually not interested in reading the next article, and automatically loading articles sometimes slowdown my computer, and use data/bandwidth on something I don't plan to read or watch if it is a video.
I've never come across this so far. I guess the blogs I read don't use this feature. Is this some sort of plugin, cause I doubt that it's a native blog feature?
I've never come across this so far. I guess the blogs I read don't use this feature. Is this some sort of plugin, cause I doubt that it's a native blog feature?

I think it is most likely part of the blog's template or a plug-in where the owner can set the blog to load the next article after the user reach the end of the page.
I think it is most likely part of the blog's template or a plug-in where the owner can set the blog to load the next article after the user reach the end of the page.
Interesting... Just like YouTube auto-loads the next video from the recommended videos list 10 seconds after the current video ends...
Interesting... Just like YouTube auto-loads the next video from the recommended videos list 10 seconds after the current video ends...

Yes, these auto-load articles usually load once you reach the end, or close to the end of the page. Some blogs may automatically load two articles once you reach the end of a page, and during the loading of an article when you visit the site.

These websites with auto-video loading are sort of like social networking apps and websites like Instagram and Facebook where as you scroll down to the end of the app, the app will automatically load new images, text, and video, so you do not need to press the load new page button.
This is something I haven't come across as of yet but I can see why you would find it annoying if I am honest. I would rather be able to read to the end of an article and then click on one I would like to read rather than be forced to go to the next one whether I am interested in that article or not.
Yeah, I hate them. I came to your site to read one article, not an endless stream of them. You're a news site, not bloody Twitter or Pinterest.
I also hate how these auto-loading articles also change the link in the address bar, so when I hit the back button, it scroll back up to the last article I already read instead of going back to the blog's homepage or previous website where I found the link to the article like Google Search. I need to hit the back button twice, right click on the back button to click on the site I want to go to, or use the web browser history section to find the site I want to go to.