Do you dislike it when people use a English title for a video on YouTube, and the guy isn't talking


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Yes, it can be somewhat annoying when searching up news stories where the title and description of the video is in english, but the guy talking is talking a foreign language like German, etc, and there are no English sub titles since I don't understand him, so I end up clicking the back button to find a video in English.

It be great if YouTube, and other sites give an option for people to put what language the video's maker is speaking before I watch the video.

The only non-english videos I watch are anime, and foreign music videos.
depends on my searches, I don't want subbed anime in japanese titles.
depends on my searches, I don't want subbed anime in japanese titles.

I also prefer English Dub Anime since I can sit back, and listen and watch my anime without having to pause when the subber used a long sentence for a very fast pace or short scene.