Do you drink coffee?

I do drink coffee, Starbucks is my prefered, and if I have to brew my own, there's always lots of cream involved.
I don't drink coffee, I am very sensitive to caffeine, combine with severe insomnia, it's not a good thing.
I love coffee.. but I don't drink it often.. my brand of choices are Cafe Bustelo, Folgers, Maxweel House, Nescafe, Taster's Choice and/or Dunkin Donuts. I also like the specialty coffees such as the Gevalia and the General Foods International coffee that comes in the tin can.

I have a can of Cafe Bustelo Espresso.. and I don't drink it often as it is too strong, and 2 cups will keep me up the entire day.. hell, depending on the time of day that I drink it, just 1 will do it too.

As for how I like it, well, I like coffee with my milk and sugar..