Do you eat dessert like cake or a cookie after eating Pizza?

Yes, but only if it's handy. Otherwise, when not at home I don't. Gives me birthday vibes when you get both though.
If I had a piece of candy, I eat the candy after eating a Pizza.

Unfortunately, the local fast food Pizza restaurants I eat at don't sell desserts like cake, cookies, or ice cream.
I usually go for something cool after eating pizza. Ice cream is the best thing for me, especially if it's a premium flavour like one of those tubs with brownies in them as well
Naah, I'm not the cake type. I eat it once in a while and always on my birthday. I'd prefer ice cream after pizza or a smoothie.
Naah, I'm not the cake type. I eat it once in a while and always on my birthday. I'd prefer ice cream after pizza or a smoothie.

I am the cake type. I enjoy taking cake almost everywhere that I go. It is something that I don't even joke with. Am I becoming addicted? Maybe!
Usually, after I have eaten pizza I never feel as though I can manage anything else such as dessert so I don't tend to bother.

If there ever is a time that I feel I can manage any kind of dessert after pizza, it is usually ice-cream.
Do you like Cold Stone or any other kind?