Do you ever feel bored by today's games?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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And gaming industry?

Cause to me, it just seems less interesting than it used to be. Probably because the developers and publishers out there have just stopped doing as many original things any more.

But does anyone else feel the same way?
I kind of get bored, but only because everything is so internet based now. Don't get me wrong, I love the internet, and I love how you can play with with anyone, but it's the fact that they make you pay to play with people online. It's only getting worse too. I mean they just announced that Halo 5 won't have a split screen option, meaning you can't play with friends in the same room. You literally have to pay money just to play with friends, even if you live close to them.
I'm bored with a lot of games because they are beginning to feel very similar. Granted, Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy were similar to one another and themselves in many ways, but I mean at least those had changes in story and whatnot. Nowadays everything seems very cut and paste. Devs ripping off of other devs' games flat-out, games with similar stories, everything basing itself on God of War, or Assassin's Creed... variety seems scarce.
In general, I only buy games I know I will like. I'm not really looking for anything revolutionary or ground breaking, or anything like that. A fun story, with decent graphics and fun gameplay is all I want; in general I could care less if it's a 'similar story' or has 'similar gameplay'. If it's fun, that's all I care about.

I agree with DYL on the lack of local multiplayer- we have the same annoyance with Splatoon. At least Splatoon though has an arguable defense for not having more local coop options since it's so heavily designed around the gamepad (Which is another reason I hate the gamepad, but that's another issue). It annoys me that if I want to play console games with my husband anymore, they expect us to have two consoles, two copies of the game, two paid accounts...

A lot of this feeling of being bored with the industry is probably also that we're all getting older- the 'been there, done that, and probably did that better in the olden days' sentiment seems to grow as we age!
Cheat, I know I'm not on this site all that often, but I'm seriously starting to wonder why you keep making forums dedicated to gaming if you don't like gaming all that much nowadays. It doesn't really seem to be doing you any favors. :/
I get bored after playing the same game for years and days in. And there are games that I read about that I have no interested in it. However I do not get bored on new releases norr get bored playing old games from 1990s.

However since this is a gaming forum, and I own a gaming website myself.. Never get bored lol