Do you ever wonder why shared web hosting cost 5 dollars a month while fast Internet cost 40 dollars


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I'm not sure why ISP is so much more expensive then shared web hosting since they seem pretty much the same to me. You pay for your web hosting, so your website can go online, and load your site onto other websites.

You pay for a ISP, so you can visit a website on a web host server.

I think once someone figures a way to cheaply sell ISP service from another country like web hosting, the price of ISP bill might go down because other countries like China, and Mexico don't pay their workers as much, so they spend less paying for staff which mean they can charge less money, and still make money.

My best guest is ISP have less competition then web hosting since if one web host over charges me, I can subscribe to another web host in another country, state, or city for cheaper prices.

Plus, there are also a lot of free web hosts like Jcink, Blogspot, Free Forums, Tumblr, etc where you can host for free, but there are advertising on free accounts to help pay for the server and staff costs.
because ISP people are greedy and hosting isn't.
Indeed, and most web hosts are also domain registrars like GoDaddy which collects 10-15 dollars a year for domains people registers. I believe GoDaddy has millions of domain costumers, so they are probably making billions on buying and selling website domains.

GoDaddy is also one of the biggest web hosts in the world, but I heard GoDaddy's shared web hosting is not very good, and expensive compared to Namecheap and other web hosts.

A lot of web host customers also use refferal links and codes to make money to pay for web hosting by using links to refer new costumers for the web hosts. I believe some web hosts pays hundreds of dollars to refferal link owners if they could refer a high traffic website to subscribe to super fast web hosting on a dedicated web server for huge sites which gets tons of traffic per day like Wikipedia.