A cell phone is a good thing to have if you live in a place with a lot of crime since you can call the police or an ambulance if you got beaten up and your hand is not broken and can still talk. You can also phone a Taxi or someone you know to drive you home if you are too drunk to walk home yourself.
Plus, if you see a bunch of bad people, you can report it to the cops.
If your home telephone line is broken you can use a cell phone to report a fire in your house.
especially when i'm the last one to be picked up when i go somewhere with friends.
even though i usually make someone drive me home or wait with me. xD
i don't live in a bad part of town or anything, but i always bring it with me anywhere i go
since i'm pretty prone to bad luck.
also to one of your points, if you lived in a bad part of town you shouldn't be walking alone anyways if you're
not able to defend yourself. buddy system ftw.
Good point, the Buddy system is awesome. Plus, if your cell phone battery dies, you can still borrow your buddies cell phones if they have one, so you can call for a ride.
I agree, buying a cell phone with good stand by, reception, battery life, and is easy to use is very important.
It is also important to pick a cell phone which turns on quickly since some cell phones take awhile to turn on for some reason.
It is good to have a cell ohone if you are going on a road trip since there are not always phones in the middle of nowhere and passing drivers sometimes won't lend you their phones or help if you crashed your car.
It is also good to have if you live in the middle of nowhere with neighbours which are far away from your home since you can't borrow a neighbours phone if they live many miles a way. You never know when a Telephone will break or your line gets disconnected because of "technical difficulties" because a tree fell on your telephone line.