Yes, I occassionally hear things like "I deserve more credit for what I'm doing" because of my college degree, how long I been with the company, the amount of work I did, or Who I am.
A better example, is the teenager who wants a new car from his or her parents because the teen got her license.
I admit that I used to be irked by them, but really, I feel sorry for them..
Although, the first one, isn't really entitlement so much as knowing your worth.
Some business owners take loyal employees for granted, and when that happens, it is necessary to remind them.
But yeah, regarding the second scenario.. if my kid wanted a car, then they would have to get a job and buy it themselves. Although, what they wouldn't know, is that we'd likely match their savings, up to the first $2500.. I would do this so that they know the value of hard work, and of a dollar, and they will learn that there is no greater feeling then owning something that you've worked hard for.
Yes, unfortunately, here in the land of the stupid and the home of the jackass, the good ol' US of A!
I see it too much honestly, people these days honestly need to realize that there is no such thing as a free lunch (i.e. you can't get what you want, when you want it in every case).
Frivilous lawsuits, stupid and selfish kids that I encounter everyday...the list goes on.
I agree that people should all be treated equally especially Celebrities like Mel Gibson who got away with Drunk driving, and making homophobic, sexists and anti-jew remarks according to Wikipedia
The problem with society is we reward people too much for being famous, smart, rich, more attractive, etc and treat them better then the average looking person who works hard for a living, but only makes minimum wage and have to support a family.
Most People who treat people who are rich, famous, or good looking better are just mostly using them to get something out of the relationship like money, fame (co-star role in a movie), answers to homework, favors.... from the person with more. But, in reality they both are using each other. The person with good looks, money, smarts, and power need to work harder to look for good friends who don't care about what they have rather who they have, or rather have fake friends which do whatever they tell them to do.
Like how Michael Jackson can so easily find doctors willing to provide him with drugs because the Dr.s love money, and MJ can provide them with money in exchange for illegal drugs and injections.
Social networks, and blogs like twitter and blogger also display how many followers and readers a person have which also can make people have a false sense of entitlement, and being elite. Bloggers should not really care about how many followers or friends they have on a blog. Bloggers and twetters should care about what they write and how it will be useful for their readers rather then "cool factor to attract more followers".