Do you feel the law should be used for earning cash or revenge?


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Nope, I think the law should not be used for financial gains or for revenge. It should be used to get back what was yours like money some person scammed from you and to give justice to legitimate victims like person who got beaten for a ridiculous reason.

An example of someone who used the law for money and revenge is Mc Donalds for Hot coffee lawsuit.

Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants,[1] also known as the "McDonald's coffee case," is a 1994 product liability lawsuit that became a flashpoint in the debate in the U.S. over tort reform after a jury awarded $2.86 million to a woman who scalded herself with hot coffee she purchased from fast food restaurant McDonald's. The trial judge reduced the total award to $640,000, and the parties settled for a confidential amount before an appeal was decided. The case entered popular lore as an example of frivolous litigation;[2] ABC News called the case “the poster child of excessive lawsuits.”


The Woman got burned with coffee, and got mad at Mc. Donalds for its hot coffee burning her skin.

I think suing for medical bills will be more reasonable, but it was partly her fault for not being more careful holding her hot drinks.