Do you feel third-party startmenu program like Classic Shell or Start8 still useful in Windows 10?


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Third-party startmenu program like Classic Shell can still be useful for Windows 10 users who prefer the older Startmenu style of Windows 7 and other older Windows startmenu designs found in Windows 98, XP, 2000, and ME.

If your startmenu in Windows 10 is broken or not opening, using a startmenu replacement programs can be one way of getting a startmenu again, so you can shutdown your computer, and launch apps and programs with a third party startmenu program.

I think bad/currupt Windows Updates, computer viruses, and other computer problems can sometimes break the Windows Startmenu, so using a third party startmenu program can be a way to get the startmenu back without the need to reinstall Windows which may not be possible if you don't have internet access, or don't have the installer files for Windows 10 stored on a DVD-R disc or USB external drive.
if your'e start menu in windows 10 isn't working, then replacing it isn't the fix needed. It means there is a bad update (meaning a OS reinstall) or you got a bad virus going on.
if your'e start menu in windows 10 isn't working, then replacing it isn't the fix needed. It means there is a bad update (meaning a OS reinstall) or you got a bad virus going on.
This or another case, some bad group policy settings (been there and done that - I was setting up applocker and things went badly wrong).

Anyhow, on topic, I use startisback because I can't stand Windows 10's start menu at all.
if your'e start menu in windows 10 isn't working, then replacing it isn't the fix needed. It means there is a bad update (meaning a OS reinstall) or you got a bad virus going on.

It may not be the fix needed, but I think some non-tech savvy Windows users will use ClassicShell startmenu replacement until they figure out what is wrong with Windows and fix it.
This or another case, some bad group policy settings (been there and done that - I was setting up applocker and things went badly wrong).

Anyhow, on topic, I use startisback because I can't stand Windows 10's start menu at all.

the only thing wrong with W10's menu is that large block off to the side.
I'm not a fan of the flat design of the Windows 10 startmenu, and the size of the icons. I felt the Windows 7 a had nicer startmenu design for desktop computers.

I guess in the future more people may use a thirdparty startmenu program to change the Windows startmenu to look like the Android All Apps launcher menu because they are more used to Androids All Apps user interface.