Do you get better quality tech and tech support if you pay more money for your electronics?


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I believe getting durable tech is about luck, and how well you maintan them. Some people buy HDTV which cost thousands of dollars and they break while other people buy generic brands of HDTV like Vizio, Westing House, Insignia, Dynex, RCA, Philips which only cost a few hundred dollars less, and the cheaper TV last for years.

I'm not sure since I can't afford most expensive tech, so I wouldn't know. But, my HP computer only cost $400 and it is used. I been using it for almost 3 years and have not experience any major problems. However, I make sure to clean my computer case of dust, so nothing overheats because of dusty computer parts.

My "used" computer I got for free by volunteering 24 hours at a charity have been working great after 1 year, and the PC is on for 24/7 as a file server.

I have a Portable Philips CD player which still works after using it for 5 years and it cost about 40 bucks.

My No-Name Optical Mouse cost about 10 dollars and it still works great after 8 years and I use it a lot.

Maybe I'm just lucky that my cheap electronics still work well.

Plus, I read a lot of articles online on how the Apple Iphone 4 which is very expensive has poor reception because of the way you hold it.

However, my cheap 60 dollar Flip phone made by Samsung has good reception, decent battery life, and works good enough for my needs "making phone calls and playing tetris when I'm bored".

As for tech support, I prefer using free tech support forums, blogs, Youtube and websites dedicated to free computer support. I make a donation if I have the cash, but usually they are supported by Google Adsense and Affiliate Marketing, so they don't really ask users for donations, or money.

I only use Tech support when I have to exchange something.
tech support depends on the company policy and the person who you got to answer you. But as long as you take good care of your tech it will last a good while.
tech support depends on the company policy and the person who you got to answer you. But as long as you take good care of your tech it will last a good while.

But, you need to make sure that you bought something that can last, lol.