I thought it would be especially fitting here, considering you can play on both mobile and PC. Hearthstone has to be the most fun, and favorite card game I've ever played. It's such an addicting game. The arena aspect is endlessly replayable, and it's more casual than games like MTG, which I like. It has a bit of a P2W aspect, where if you don't play as much, or pay as much as other people, you can be at a disadvantage. If you're not good enough to infinite arena, you basically have to pay for packs and the like to be able to make fun decks. Honestly, it frustrates me sometimes, because even playing on/off since beta I don't have nearly enough cards to play the fun decks I want. There's plenty of fun and interesting decks I can't make, or try, because i don't have enough dust or cards to get there. It really sucks sometimes, but in arena I don't have that problem. I still have a hugely fun time in arena. The RNG aspect can get a little out of hands sometimes, and will honestly make me more mad than anything else in the game.