Do You Guys Enjoy Playing Hearthstone?


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I thought it would be especially fitting here, considering you can play on both mobile and PC. Hearthstone has to be the most fun, and favorite card game I've ever played. It's such an addicting game. The arena aspect is endlessly replayable, and it's more casual than games like MTG, which I like. It has a bit of a P2W aspect, where if you don't play as much, or pay as much as other people, you can be at a disadvantage. If you're not good enough to infinite arena, you basically have to pay for packs and the like to be able to make fun decks. Honestly, it frustrates me sometimes, because even playing on/off since beta I don't have nearly enough cards to play the fun decks I want. There's plenty of fun and interesting decks I can't make, or try, because i don't have enough dust or cards to get there. It really sucks sometimes, but in arena I don't have that problem. I still have a hugely fun time in arena. The RNG aspect can get a little out of hands sometimes, and will honestly make me more mad than anything else in the game.
I do, personally, enjoy playing Hearthstone. I enjoy it more on PC than on the mobile since I'm more familiar with the PC (and my laptop's screen isn't cracked), and because it doesn't cause havoc on my laptop's battery life! It certainly has a good Pay 2 Win aspect, and as someone in the same position I can safely say that not having access to all the fun cards is a tad annoying. That said, I feel the most fun to be had in the game is from the absolute randomness some of the cards can have. "Lorewalker Cho" with a "Troggzor the Earthenator" was my personal favorite combination against Miracle Rogues. "Unstable Portal" to get a turn seven Deathwing is also quite entertaining -- and frustrating when you realize you no longer have a hand of cards.
Overall the game is designed and implemented great, but it is just not my type of game. The luck to skill ratio is a bit too heavy on the side of luck. No game is fun when you keep getting bad card after bad card ( for the situation).
I too enjoy playing Hearthstone. Currently it's the game I play the most. Last year in August I started playing it (1 month before The grand Tournament), and it has been a lot of fun ever since. The pay 2 win aspect is kind of true for the casual player, but I dealt with it by playing A LOT. The only things I bought with money are Curse of Naxxramas and Blackrockmountain, after I had purchased 2 wings with gold only. The expansions after that (League of Explorers, Whispers of the old Gods) I was able to buy with gold only, because I always save gold for the moment when new things come out.
However, I also like that fact that it is available on phone and on computer, which makes it even more addicting if you ask me.
I absolutely love playing hearthstone. At first, it seemed really complicated, especially with all of the mana curves and trading and stats, but over time I've gotten used to it, and I'm a professional tavern brawl player xD. I can never get better than rank 19 even though I have a ton of cards, but it doesn't really matter to me because the tavern brawls are thr main reason why i play.
Love playing hearthstone, not so much on mobile though.
In mobile if there is a Nozdormu in the field the game is pretty much lost. The command queuing is extremely unreliable on mobile, and the animations don't play out like the PC. I know it's understandable that the mobile under-performs, but in an online game like this, the PC players have a certain unnecessary advantage vs mobile players.
I've tried Heartstone but I didn't really like it. It's been a while since I played it so I can't really remember why. I've been meaning to give it another try but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
I used to really like this game, but now I don't really like it at all. I tried playing it again recently and I just found it to be very boring. I don't think it's because of the Pay to Win aspect of it, or the luck part of it, which seem to be generally disliked parts of Hearthstone. Maybe my game criteria is just too strict.
Hearthstone!!! Glad to see someone else other than me know about it :) (Though I guess it's pretty popular... just not in my area :'( << my brother's friends all play it, though... but other than them and my brothers, I don't know anyone else who plays it)

I had it on my phone last year but I uninstalled it due to memory problems -dang it, my phone has too low memory space :'(. And I just recently installed it on my laptop <3 Hadn't been playing much, though, since I've been busy recently and I didn't play it much too on my phone -I couldn't play well since my phone would lag T_T.

I disagree with it being P2W though... I'm pretty sure (accg to my brothers' accounts) that you can get new cards from the Arena and buying cards doesn't necessarily give you an advantage since the cards you get are kinda random (i.e. some would be common, some would be rare and only a small number (sometimes none, I believe?) of legendary). And most of all, it also relies on how well you play your cards -i.e. familiarizing yourself with your own cards and making a strategy along the way.

^I remember that my brother once told me about how his enemy had lots of strong cards (some were legendary) and how he was almost on the verge of losing (his life was below 5) but in the end he won because he had his healing card kept in his hand as well as his destruction cards (the one that attacks everything on the board -the basic card in the warlock deck plus the magic effects up from the basic deck, too). So, yup, it also doesn't rely on just the cards.
I spend hours on Hearthstone, but I'm a bad player. I enjoy leveling up and collecting XP. I have a Level 60 Mage who's won 500 games, and I'm working on the rest. Nothing under Level 50.
I don't really play it anymore. However, when it first came out, I was all over that game! I haven't really played card games before so Hearthstone was my first one. I couldn't stop playing - it was so, so much fun. I really loved the whole concept that Blizzard initially implemented and the arena mode. It felt like a nice challenge BUT I feel like over time they've gotten way too greedy with their ''pay to win'' schematic. I feel like when Hearthstone was more at its beginning and just started gaining exposure that it was much fairer to play even if you didn't buy any cards/packs. Now, it is almost impossible to compete for first ranks unless you're willing to spend at least some money so you can build a good competitive deck.

So yeah, their greediness turned me off and made me quit the game.
Hearthstone was my obsession a few years ago, I enjoyed it a lot. I also think that if I start playing it again I would love to do it.
Sorry, I only play Gwent. Gwent is great. It's from the Witcher 3, it's a card game that's a mini game you can do when you are in an area and you can challenge NPCs throughout the game. It got so popular they are even currently making a stand-alone game about it, so that would be something worth waiting for. I wanted to try Hearthstone but from what I hear it's basically like Gwent, so I'd rather play the one I like rather than venture on to newer games.
Hearthstone was my obsession a few years ago, I enjoyed it a lot. I also think that if I start playing it again I would love to do it.
I hear you can win prizes there? My friend was so happy one time after playing because he unlocked something and said he could sell it to the market and make some money. Is it like Dota 2 or CSGO where you earn random drops from playing and you can either use it or sell it to other players?
Yes yes yes!! Until now, I'm playing hearthstone, Hearthstone, never become outdated and is still included in WCG 2019
I am super enjoying playing Hearthstone. Hearthstone is a game that you will never tired of playing it. I am a fan of Yu Gi Oh anime. When I am playing it, I kinda felt like I'm Yugi Mutou :D
And I'm copying some deck of the Gamers in the WCG. :D :D