Do you guys know about the rednote app and "tiktokrefugee' things


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Since the tiktok forbidden order, lots of Americans appears on this app named Rednote.
This is the first time that I see so many foreigners on Chinese sns.
Such a Shock.
Do you know anything about this situation?
Stuff about anti-nationalist America is inspiring. Like how our data is okay to be given to China because the American government is dumb, selfish, and slow when it comes to digital media governing. It goes against free speech too.
This is how you get USA :heart: China

Biden's master plan to bring world peace!
Stuff about anti-nationalist America is inspiring. Like how our data is okay to be given to China because the American government is dumb, selfish, and slow when it comes to digital media governing. It goes against free speech too.
So will you use the Rednote app?
It seems like that Chinese people's life can be seen to the whole world at the first time, without the dressing which made by such as BBC or CNN or something like them.
I won't be using Red Note.
So will you use the Rednote app?
It seems like that Chinese people's life can be seen to the whole world at the first time, without the dressing which made by such as BBC or CNN or something like them.
No I haven't used it but I wouldn't count it out as an option if I wanted to use it.
No chance I use any short form video platform.
But as a search engine about traveling or life tips, it's useful.
I can't believe the search engine in China such as Baidu. It's totally shit, the worst you can ever image, full of ads and word trash, and fake news made by MCN. (RN have too but can be acceptable).
So this still a thing since the Tiktok ban was a stunt?
I see the tiktok can be used again, but the recommending arithmetic is changed by META, a lot of people are complaining this on Rednote, they say it like 'u go home finding everything has been changed by someone you don't know or don't like.'

So people still here.

I think it's just the result of market selection. People choose what they want. In fact Rednote users were thrown into some sort of disarray within the first two days due to a complete lack of consideration of the situation.
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