Do you hang out at book stores to work on your computer?


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Every time I go to a store that has wifi like Barnes & Noble, Im always seeing people in the cafe there just working on their laptop. It would probably be fun for about an hour then Id get bored cause I would much rather look at the books than sit on a computer lol.
Why loiter when I can do that at home? If I had money then maybe, I would save some monthly ISP money. I mean I could see myself working offline and only paying for smartphone service, but if I ever had a coding question I would have to look in different places on my phone and copy-pasting would be rough.
Well it's not technically loitering if it's allowed. Like Starbucks you're allowed to mess on your computer as long as you arent bothering anyone.
I personally wouldn’t do it, but certain locations of these stores would make sense why people would do it. If it’s some random shop out of the way, idk why anyone would bother
I won't use my laptop at a book store.

I feel using a laptop in public can be somewhat unsafe because of robbers, and using public wi-fi which may use a less secure wireless encryption standard, or the router is infected with spyware and malware.

There is always a chance someone will accidentally spill a drink or food on my laptop because there are a lot of careless people.
I won't use my laptop at a book store.

I feel using a laptop in public can be somewhat unsafe because of robbers, and using public wi-fi which may use a less secure wireless encryption standard, or the router is infected with spyware and malware.

There is always a chance someone will accidentally spill a drink or food on my laptop because there are a lot of careless people.
If the router has malware, you won’t get infected from it because your computer runs a different operating system.