Do you hate dirty computer screens?


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Yes, since sometimes when I am using a screen on a public computer, someone eles their monitor is very dirty and the dust, scratches and finger prints blocking my view for videos, pictures, text I am looking at.

Plus, it can be very disgusting with all the oils on the screen from peoples fingers.
I could care less about the screen as long as I can see what is on it. All I care about is how bad the keyboard is.
As long as the screen isn't too filthy, its fine with me, but I hate dirty keyboards. I dont like dust filling the spaces between keys, not to mention food and other gross stuff people drop on them.
If the dirt isn't mine I hate it. I dunno, I don't
like using public things, I hate libraries and I've
been called a germ-oh-phobe on plenty of occasions
seriously I hate things that I don't know where the dirt
is from.
QUOTE (JustJohn83 @ August 10, 2009 12:22 pm) Yeah I hate dirty comp screens. I always try to keep mine clean.
Same for me. I try to avoid touching my screen.