Do you hate it when computer nerds complain about tutorials being too basic?


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Yes, I find it annoying when people say "This is simple, anyone can do that, it's common sense, only a dummy does not know how to do that, and condescending statements..." on someone's computer hardware or software tutorials on forum, youtube, blogs, or in real life.

I sometimes wonder "how people who complain about simplistic stuff benefit by insulting the people who don't know how to do something, and calling the instructional video, post simplestic."

It is true a lot of stuff dealing with tech is simple once you learn it or figure it out yourself, but tutorials and books , videos on computers make learning about PCs a lot faster and easier then manually exploring the Windows registry or the control panel, etc to tweak a PC.
If I'm the owner or mod I usually just delete comments which don't add anything to the tutorial's disscussion or give thanks to the author since it makes it easier for new visitors to read how reliable a tutorial is base on the number of positive replies, or easier to add more to the disscussion instead of reading tons of spammy posts, or one word posts about stuff being simple.

What I don't get is "why people complain about free tutorials" if they feel a tutorial is too simple they can buy an advance book on advance topics from the local bookstore instead of being a online elitist to prove their smarts which can be kind of sad.

It is like a College student going to a Preschool and saying to kids "I know my 1,2,3 and A,B,C, and you don't".
a lot of times the basic tutorial doesn't get into my head like it should. So if a nerd rages that it is too simple that that nerd is better of being somewhere else doing the advance thing.
Sadly some computer wizs these days don't share their skills to add more to basic tutorials or make a more advance turorial topic on the same section of the forum, and instead make silly comments which just take up space in the comment section on a blog or forum which does not help anyone.
I'll admit that I dick around with people, for example, "How do I fix this and that?" answer "You push alt+F4" But I will share what I know if the problem isn't honestly just outright you didn't look.
I think Alt+F4 (close) web browser prank does not work very well these days on newer web browsers like FireFox, IE8, Avant, Chrome, or Opera warn you if you want to close the browser or not when one or multiple tabs are open.

Though, it will still work on people who use IE 5 or 6 probably.