Do you hate it when people use Capital letters too much when they type?


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Yes, I find it annoying when people use all CAPS or a mixture of Capitals and lowercase letters LiKe THis SeNtenCe when they type. I usually just don't read the post. If I was the forum owner, or site owner, I might ask the member to type regularly if it is too hard to read, and all CAPS can be consider trolling if the message has an angry theme.
Aha, well me two! :P

Although, I mostly never experience that.
I do as well. It's in the rules to GamingForce to not do that because it's concidered a troll thing to do, :P
I love all caps.
I love all lowercase.
I love proper capitalizing.

I dislike every other letter being capitalized.
all caps sounds so rude and irritating. like they couldn't be understood if they wrote everything.. for example all lowercase. by the way i'm too bored to press the shift button for uppercase letters at the minute. :whistling: