Do you have a blog and what blog site or software do you use?

Don't have one, never been to one, lol ... and still don't understand how they can be useful for my forum.
QUOTE (hcfwesker @ June 20, 2009 11:05 pm) Don't have one, never been to one, lol ... and still don't understand how they can be useful for my forum.

People can subscribe to blogs Via RSS feeds, and they are good for keeping lazy members up to date on changes to your website since all the posts are in one page instead of on multiple pages in one section. By puting updates on a blog. The user would not have to click on each individual topic link to read it, and if they want to comment, they can just click the comment link on the post.

It allows people to comment on your blog post or copy your blog posts and posts on their blog and they will link back to your blog. Giving you an extra link back to your site.

I have a few people copy my blog posts, and link back to my website.

Blogs are useful. You do not have to click on a link to read the article. You can reply to articles you like, or go to the next page to view older articles on other pages.
I've tested Blogger, but never have a chance to get one started. A blog is good for posting current events and keeping journal entries about your personal life, or business ventures.