Do you have a case/bag to store your consoles?


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Or to carry them around in?
I have 2 for my DS's. Although, only one of them works at the time, need to send in two of them. Aaand, I never play my DS anymore anyways, because I sit at my computer all day now, I need new games to get my attention.
I do have a small carrying case for my DS where I also keep a good amount of games in.
I have a Wii carrying case... pretty generic... fits the console, controllers, sensor bar, batteries, extra controllers, etc. I have a pretty neat case for my pink DS... it's the same shade of pink and looks like a bigger DS.... so, if I sit in a really big chair and hold my case that looks like a big DS, it makes me look like I'm in a huge world. X3

I also have a Metroid Other M standee that has two spots on each side to hold games, and there are secret compartments on the top where I store extra controllers.