Do you have meetings with staff of your forum?


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Full GL Member
There are a lot of forums that have numerous staff. Do you think that it is wise to have meetings with staff in your forum? How often do you host meetings for them?
I just have Discord meetings, but they are rare.
On smaller forums it's not really necessary unless you're just starting up the site and then it's helpful to get the brainstorming done and have everyone on the same page. For a large forum, meetings are a necessary component to not only have good communication, but also have a sense of fellowship amongst staff. Having them too often could cause burnout so once or twice a year is a good number.
I've been the only Staff, minus temporary Staff, in the 3 1/2 years I've been active. But I would hold meetings. I wouldn't have a timeline like every month but when we all agree we should have one. I would however have a Recap posted on the forum for all members to view. I already have that with Admin Updates to keep members in the know.
Yes, if you have staff members who help out with the management of your forum, it's necessary to have meetings whenever it's convenient or there's an issue to be resolved. You can't run a forum successfully without having meetings and planning with your staffs.