Do you have paper calendars at home?


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Mobile gadgets now come with digital calendars. The ones you can login to your device to know how to plan your week. Have you moved to that stage or do you still have paper calendars at home?
Yep, I still like them but I see them being gone in like 10-20 years.
Mobile gadgets now come with digital calendars. The ones you can login to your device to know how to plan your week. Have you moved to that stage or do you still have paper calendars at home?
Yes I have paper calendar at home, it helps me to remember my daily schedules .
Yes, printed calendars are still a thing for us at home. We always have one in the living room where anyone can see it easily.
I do. My work has an app that employees can use and we get our schedules on it. However, I will write my schedule down on the calendar at home so that my hubby can see what days I'm working and when I get off.
Yes, I have a couple in the house, bedrooms/kitchen. my family tends to forget what day it is sometimes.... I just point at the paper calendars haha