Do you have the RTE and Flash Uploaders enabled?

Poll Poll Do you use the Rich Text Editor

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Just curious... I have both of them enabled. The RTE (Rich Text Editor) is basically a WYSIWYG editor, much like most wikias seem to have now. The flash uploader allows up to 10 (at the moment) simultaneous files to be uploaded on the same um...... file?

Er, about that... Nin? Can you explain this... in the Downloads section, let's say I uploaded the entire soundtrack of Super Mario Galaxy 2. In terms of the downloads area, there's 1 file called "Super Mario Galaxy 2", however this 1 file contains 70 ... files? I'm confused. If say, "Square Timber" (Puzzle Plank Galaxy) is one of 70 files, then the "Super Mario Galaxy 2" file shouldn't be a file, otherwise, it's a file containing files? In computer speak, the term should be folder, shouldn't it?
So Mican doesn't have them enabled? WTHN?
Basically, the RTE editor displays your post exactly as you'd see it, instead of with BBcode. You can ALSO use BB code, as well.

The Flash Uploader allows up to 10 files uploaded simultaneously, and also has a 'progress bar', showing how much has been uploaded, and also shows how much has been uploaded in terms of size.
I have them both enabled. I like the rich text editor for it's simplicity, and the flash uploader actually lets me know if the file being uploaded is actually still being uploaded or whether my connection or the site crashed.
Yeah, and not only that you know how long it's going to be. Otherwise you're just looking at "Uploading", and then you wait for what seems like ages depending on your upload speed, not knowing when, or even if it's going to finish.
My download speed, as proven in the video I posted in that topic earlier, is aroung 125 kbytes per second.