Do you have your computer in your room or a family room?


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My computer are in the Basement living room since the Cable modem for the internet is in the basement living room.
My desktop, my husband's desktop, and my husband's laptop are currently in our bedroom. My laptop is currently down in the living room, but that's just because I was using it last down there. Nathan's computer is in his room.
We has 3, my laptop, where ever I am, our desktop in the living room, and the one Im hoping to setup as a small game server.
My family's desktop PC is in the living room, my own laptop I'm using now is normally kept in my own room, and my other older model laptop is in my own closet.
My laptop is normally kept in my room on my bed.

There is a mac in the kitchen.

Two laptops in my dads room. Plus a desktop.

And we have a HP in my room in our golfvillia.