Do you keep a lot of money in Giftcards in your Amazon, and online store account?


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I usually keep under $100 in my Amazon Giftcard account because I don't get many giftcards from people I know, and I don't trust storing too much money in Giftcards on my Amazon Account. I'm afraid my account would get hacked, or Amazon closes down my account for some reason.
I don't keep any amount of money in accounts other than my bank. Even then most of my banked money is in a special savings account that can't be easily accessed. (Money goes in easy, but if I want to withdraw it I have to make an appointment and it takes a few days to be released. Which is fine, I'm in no rush to spend my money.)

I also tend not to use giftcards either. The only exception being PS/Nintendo/Steam cards because I don't want them to have my paypal or credit card info. Even then I buy them maybe twice or possibly 3 times a year at most. (I bought a 1 year PS+ subscription card in June and then a $20 steam card in July. And it won't be until likely December before I consider buying any more. Depending on the Steam sale... if not for that then it'd be June when my PS+ is about to run out.)
I usually keep a few hundred in my Amazon account at all times. I purchase a lot from Amazon, and have full trust in them. Other then that, I rarely keep any money in accounts unless I get it as a gift.
I try to keep everything under $50, because you never know what will happen.
No I tend not to keep money in them at all for long. When I get vouchers to spend at my local gaming store I spend them quickly. They have an expiry date eventually and I don't want to lose the money - also their is no guarantee something won't go wrong with it.
Nope. I don't think it's necessary and not to mention that you can't convert them back. It's better to go with pay per use policy here. But it all depends on one's own preferences I suppose.