Do You Like Audiobooks?


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Frankly speaking, I don't like listening to audiobooks. I find it hard to concentrate on audiobooks. If you miss something important, it is difficult to go back. I also tend to feel sleepy when listening to audiobooks.
Listen to a bunch growing up, but not much anymore.
I know of many people with time restraints who enjoy using audio books to get their "reading" in. Especially useful for long commutes or being stuck in traffic. They've also said it helps to decrease their stress levels as they are able to focus on listening. I myself don’t do well when I hear the words, I need to see them. I rather read than listen. I even have Subtitles on English speaking shows. I think that's why physical books are so appealing!
If I had a longer commute to work, then I probably would. I feel like listening to an audiobook in the car while I'm driving back and forth to work would be the only time of my day where I can listen to one.
I have tried to enjoy audio books, but find myself unable to. Same with Podcasts, they are an interest I like in theory that has always eluded me in practice.