Do you like piercings?


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I have seen some ladies that doesn't have any piercings whatsoever in any part of their body including their ears while there are some ladies that have almost everywhere - ears, nose, neval even on their adult parts. As a man, I piercings but only two opening in the ear and one in the nose. If it goes above that, I'm no longer interested.

I love something simple like these.

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Nope, never done it and at times looks rather ugly where people put stuff.

Also why the tongue? Why?
I have 3 piercings in each ear lobe and I have a 4th in my right ear in the cartliage up top. That is all the piercings I have. My grandmother made me promise not to get anymore piercings at that point and I've kept that promise even though she passed last year.
I have 3 piercings in each ear lobe and I have a 4th in my right ear in the cartliage up top. That is all the piercings I have. My grandmother made me promise not to get anymore piercings at that point and I've kept that promise even though she passed last year.
Let me guess, if not for that promise, you might have gotten more?