Do you like snow?


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I like snow if there is not 1 feet of snow on the ground. But, I don't like snow when it is snowing heavily and I have to go to school, or during my winter break.
this year I love snow since I don't have to make up any school days because of it. but other then that I don't care for it in large amounts.
I like snow, it's something that reminds me of sadness yet beauty. It's clear white reflective surafce which everything blends into as sunlight reflections glare onto the harsh unpure world. The tears a frozen maiden once she to be little her sadness each drop pertaining memories overflowing wish emotions. Though once fallen to the filth of the earth it is changed so easily, they melt under pressure and become unpure with the simpliest touch of sin. I find snow truely amazing, appearing so the same on the outside like society but each unique pertaining to their pasts.
Wow Rin. That was deep.

I like it for snow days.
but it mess's my hair up. xD
QUOTE (Itachi_Uchiha000 @ January 08, 2009 03:40 pm) No, because i have a huge driveway to shovel X_X
I agree shoveling drive ways stink espiecally when the snow becomes hard.
I wouldn't mind using one of those snow shoveling trucks or those snow pushing machines that look like lawn mowers to clean the driveway, but sadly I can only afford a Shovel and salt.
I personally hate the snow. It's annoying, cold, have to shovel for ever O_o, etc. etc. But I do like ice because it's fun to slide on.
QUOTE (Rob @ January 19, 2009 01:43 pm) We just got some snow!! Well, it was slightly snowing, mainly rain...

Its snowing where i live right now...