Do you listen to music while you are on the computer or doing someother stationary task?


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Yes, I listen to music while I'm on the computer or sitting unless I am watching a video or playing a game. I don't listen to music when I'm doing something really important like doing my taxes.
Usually when i am on forums i listen to music, otherwise i just post post post.
hmm i listen to music pretty often when surfing the web. but i just forget music when i need to do something important because i don't wanna mess the thing. but music is great while doing art etc creative :lmao:
I used to listen to music a lot more than I do now! Now I'm always on the verge of putting on a video or something so I almost never do.
Most of the time, yes.
If I talk to some guys via Skype or something, I don't, though.
Yesss. I listen to music when I am doing anything on my computer unless it requires a lot of thinking, like writing an essay or reading for school. It helps everything go by nicely.
Yea almost everything besides watching a video lol. It really helps me concentrate. Well, any sound really. Right now I'm streaming South Park "Make Love, Not Warcraft" episode from It's a really funny episode and surprisingly I haven't played Worldcraft in a hour or two lol.
Absolutely! I listen to music while doing homework, on Facebook, and posting on forums. I play music 24/7.
Of course man! I listen to music 24/7. I take my headphones everywhere. I am currently saving to buy these sick earbuds so I can keep listening everywhere I go
Of course man! I listen to music 24/7. I take my headphones everywhere. I am currently saving to buy these sick earbuds so I can keep listening everywhere I go

Skullcandy earbuds are the best! Although a little expensive-- but totally worth the price.