Do you mark you books?


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Book marking is the practice of making notes or annotations in a book by circling or highlighting words, writing in the margins, or sticking notes to the pages. Marking a book can be used as a personal reference, a way to review and remember what you've read, and a way to help you study and think critically about what you've read. It is also a way to express yourself and a chance to think about what the text means and how it affects you.
So, do you mark your books?
Because I use eBooks I have a bookmark on them and might take notes if I want to remember certain things I find value in. But for a physical book, marking things just makes for messy reading that would make you think there's something wrong with you unless you were a professor grading someone's work.
I don't do this. There are times I will re-sell a book back to the bookstore so I don't do this just in case.
I only do it for a book I know I will keep for myself. What I do instead is have a piece of paper & write down the page number, which paragraph, & a small description. Then I’m like WitchAssassin WitchAssassin but instead of re-selling it to the bookstore, I re-sell it either online or at our garage sale.
I have a habit of finding whatever I have in my possession at the time and using it as a bookmark. For example, I currently have the floor plan for a place I work at, folded up neatly to keep my place in a book.